Advance your career with confidence.  

The Propeller Experience is a six-week virtual coaching program designed to help you gain clarity on your next career move, build confidence to go after it, and join a community that will support you every step of the way.

Shift your beliefs, transform your career, and achieve real results in just six weeks. It’s simpler than you think to get started.

The September 2024 Cohort is now FULL - sign up to our waitlist to be the first to know about our 2025 enrollment.



Imagine Saying "Yes, and..." to Your Career

  • Yes, you can be your authentic self and feel valued with a true sense of belonging.
  • Yes, you can make money and do work you are passionate about.
  • Yes, you can have the flexibility to live life on your terms and experience professional growth.

With the Propeller Experience, our six-week virtual coaching program and collective, you'll access a simple yet powerful framework—the Advancement Blueprint™️—alongside a private online community that will propel you toward your version of success.

Align your goals, gain clarity, and take decisive action to achieve your next career move with confidence.

It's time to say yes! 

Proudly dedicated to the advancement of women and equitible opportunity in the workplace.

Here’s the Big Secret to Getting What You Want...

It’s YOU!
You can hire a coach, scroll through Instagram for motivational quotes, or fill your bookshelf with self-help books—but when it comes to getting what you want in your career and life, the real power lies in you. It all starts when you decide you want something different. It’s about having the courage to get curious, challenge the beliefs holding you back, and say yes to becoming the best version of yourself.

And Here’s Where We Come In!

After eight years of running tellent and the Propeller Experience, we know that true career advancement requires three critical elements:

  • A powerful mindset (clarity on what you want and belief in your ability to achieve it)
  • Essential skills required to get there
  • A strong network of mentors, allies, sponsors, and peers

This is our Advancement Blueprint™️, a proven framework that has helped women like you break through barriers, build confidence, and achieve the career results you’ve been striving for.

The Advancement Blueprint™️.

The Advancement Blueprint™️ is a proven formula designed specifically for women who are ready to step into their full potential and advance in their careers. It’s not just about ticking off professional milestones—it’s about aligning your mindset, skills, and network to create lasting success.

At its core, the blueprint recognizes that true career growth isn’t about working harder or trying to fit into an existing mold. It’s about creating the right internal and external conditions for success by shifting how you think, equipping yourself with the tools you need, and surrounding yourself with the right people.

1. Mindset

Get clear on what you truly want and believe you can achieve it.

Your mindset is the foundation of everything. It’s the difference between feeling stuck in your career and having the confidence to go after your next big move. Often, it’s not the external circumstances that hold us back, but our own limiting beliefs about what’s possible. In this part of the program, we’ll help you gain clarity about your career and life goals and challenge the stories you’ve been telling yourself that keep you playing small. You’ll learn how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate a growth mindset, and take the right actions to change your results.

It starts with believing that you deserve more—and you do. With the right mindset, you’ll be able to make decisions that align with your deepest ambitions and values, rather than what’s expected of you. This clarity will fuel your confidence to step up and say yes to the opportunities waiting for you.

2. Skill Set

Build the skills to succeed and thrive in your career.

Mindset is powerful, but having the right skills is essential for turning your vision into reality. The truth is, every career advancement comes with a learning curve. In the Propeller Experience, you’ll identify the practical and professional skills you need to rise to the next level—whether it’s negotiation, leadership, time management, or emotional intelligence.

Equipped with the right tools, you’ll no longer feel unprepared or overwhelmed when new challenges arise. Instead, you’ll be ready to approach each situation with confidence, knowing that you have the skills to handle whatever comes your way. The goal is to transform your potential into tangible, actionable strengths that move your career forward.

3. Network

Surround yourself with the people who will lift you higher.

No woman achieves career success alone. Having a strong network of mentors, sponsors, allies, and peers is critical to unlocking opportunities and navigating the inevitable challenges. The right people in your corner not only provide guidance and open doors, but they also amplify your voice and champion your growth.

In the Propeller Experience, we’ll help you build a strategic network of connections that support your advancement. You’ll learn how to cultivate authentic relationships rooted in trust and reciprocity. Whether it’s finding a mentor who’s been where you want to go or identifying a sponsor who will advocate for you in important rooms, this network will be a key ingredient in your success.

With the right network, you’ll have access to new opportunities, insights, and the encouragement to take the bold steps you need to get where you want to go. It’s not just about who you know—it’s about who knows you and believes in your potential.

By combining a growth-oriented mindset, the necessary skills, and a supportive network, you’ll be positioned to achieve the career and life you’ve been striving for.

The Advancement Blueprint™️ isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a customizable framework that allows you to define and pursue your own version of success—on your terms.


Get the unrivalled support and guidance to take that empowering step toward your version of success. Your journey starts now!

How does it work? Where do I start?

1. Read through this page and make sure the program is a good fit for you! We have a limited number of opportunities and we're not in the business of wasting anyone's time or money! 

2. Apply for next cohort, or sign up to the waitlist using the links below. 

3. You will be sent an email with instructions and next steps. 


✔️ On your cohort start date, we will welcome and orient you with the program, the framework and your peers during a virtual kick-off call.

✔️ You will get access to a private online classroom with a world-class curriculum. Every week a new lesson, workbook and meditation will be released. Each lesson is available on demand to flex with your schedule and learning style. They are, on average, 6 - 10 minutes long. Short and impactful!

✔️ We will meet virtually once a week with your cohort for four weeks. These coaching sessions will accelerate your progress and make sure the framework and lessons are tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. 

✔️ After five weeks together as a cohort, we will have a virtual graduation celebration and the opportunity to form accountability and mastermind groups. 

You will tell all your friends how amazing this program is and that they should all join! BOOM! 

Discover how the Propeller Experience has transformed careers and lives. Hear what other participants have to say...


Frequently Asked Questions

Your Guide

Introducing Jenny Hargreaves and her dynamic team at tellent. For eight game-changing years, they've been empowering women and removing barriers to create equal opportunities for all.

Jenny, the visionary extraordinaire, has assembled a dream team of experts, ready to guide you on your personal journey. They're not just any team - we're talking about the best of the best. Founders, leaders, coaches, and guides who will stop at nothing to help you move into your next opportunity.

But wait, there's more! We've also enlisted the help of zen masters, mindset reframers, and "get you past your barrier" busters. These fearless warriors are on a joint mission to help you tap into your professional potential and conquer the world of success.

Here at tellent, collaboration, generosity, and abundance are our guiding principles. We believe that by working together, as a collective, you'll be able to reach new heights and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Advance in your career, say "yes" to you. 

The Propeller Experience

Pay What You Can

funded by Jenny @ tellent.

  • The Propeller Experience programming including Mindset Reset (4 weeks) and the Possibilities Streams. 
  • Kick off call and course start date - September 30th at 12pm EST. 
  • 4 x weekly lesson Mastermind groups with your cohort. Held weekly on Mondays at 12pm EST. 
  • Graduate mentorship.
  • Life changing experience. 

Our Fall 2024 program cohort is now FULL.

Please join the waitlist to be notified of our next cohort kick off dates in May 2025.

Join the Propeller Experience Wait List

Secure your front-row seat to career transformation in May 2025! 🚀

Join the wait list to be the first to know when the next round of program applications open.Â